
The Benefits of Pruning Shears

It was a Saturday morning and I was asked a question about growth. While reading in the book “Earth Psalms” by Francine Rivers, I was learning about pruning and it’s benefits not only to plants but our lives as well.

Pruning is a vital process to a plant’s health and overall growth. Dead branches are cut away to provide the plant with more of what it needs and less of what is holding it back. We need pruning in our lives too, however, we are naturally inclined to shy away from pruning things out of our lives. I dare to say that sometimes we hang onto the dead and poisonous situations, people, or things simply to avoid change or pain. But God can use beautiful people and wonderful events to bring about the most beautiful outcomes that will only help and enhance our journey.

Why is pruning so uncomfortable for us? I believe it’s for a few reasons. For starters, change can be difficult, especially when it’s unexpected. It requires us to trust that what’s ahead is good and helpful. It also shows us the reality that what we have been holding onto isn’t helping but rather hindering us. When we are faced with a pruning process, we want to curl up and snuggle with our current situation because it’s familiar. But just because it’s familiar and seemingly comfortable, doesn’t mean it’s beneficial and helping us grow in a healthy way. One of the hardest things is to see something in fresh light and know it no longer serves a purpose in our life. Pruning helps us see in a fresh perspective. This can be difficult especially if it shows us the tough reality.

On the flip side, pruning offers us freedom! If we lean into the struggle and let go of the things no longer serving us then we provide ourselves with a fresh perspective and room for fresh air. God is not limited by our weaknesses and inability to let go, however, when we step out of his way the scenic views on the journey are breathtaking.

Do you need pruning? It’s a scary question yet has the potential to give you a launchpad to get us out of a rut. I challenge us to give God the pruning shears, today. Not tomorrow, not on a Monday, and not in the new year. Today. Trusting God with this will help us be healthy, strong, and vibrant. We need to fully understand that this is a lifelong occurrence, but the benefits allow us to be better than we were yesterday and the strength to keep taking brave and beautiful steps ahead.

Prune on, God. We are ready.


Color Outside the Lines

It’s been five years. Really, it’s been that long? Yes, it has. I’ve realized I was afraid to color outside the lines and simply be me.

I know that I am being called to write again, but I have no idea where to start. There are so many things that I could write about, but Lord, what do you want me to say? What exactly do you want me to share? I’m getting caught up in thinking my blog needs to revolve around one topic and that’s it. But to be honest, my life isn’t made up of one topic. Nobody’s life is comprised of one solitary thing. So I’ve decided that my blog will be a combination of writings that explore a world of experiences and thoughts.

I recently read a quote somewhere that asked us to imagine ourselves as a coloring pencil, crayon, marker, or shade of paint. This quote leads me to remember that we are individuals and while we may have similarities, we all carry our own uniqueness inside of us.

But this is where it gets tricky.

While every color of the rainbow is beautiful, we will never be everyone’s favorite color. This truth is something that should not discourage us. God is the master artist, and His technique and skill to use different people to accomplish great works of art is breathtaking!

Each of us is unique and we truly bring our own color to this otherwise drab world. But it’s up to us to take ourselves out of the box and simply experience it. And don’t forget that for an artist, colors can come in several mediums that an artist can chose from.

I challenge you to look at what makes you unique and then let that distinctiveness help you color outside the lines. Seek out and surround yourself with people who are authentic, real, and filled with compassion. God will use you collectively to add color to the lives of others. If you look closely, you will also find your life being positively transformed by the beauty they have to offer.



Conquering the Mud and Mire


So here I am…alive after the Warrior Dash of 2013!  It was an awesome experience and very challenging.  Dragging myself over muddy tires, crawling under barbed wires, sliding through muddy trenches, swimming a cow pond, climbing a chain link ramp, attempting to jump over fire, and swimming through a mud pit are only some of the experiences I got to enjoy.

Just after "Storming Normandy" Obstacle

The course offered little traction for feet considering it had been raining for the past few days and the hundreds of people who raced before our group, made a nice mud trail the whole way.  Each obstacle had something to offer in the area of teaching me a lesson.  

As I rounded the corner to approach the first real obstacle I thought it wouldn’t be so bad.  It was a set of tires I would typically run through, but with mud I had to carefully step into each tire.  Then I came to a set of tires covered by a heavy rope, and all the tires were tilted downward on the side a hill.  Most people crawled but I found the tires to be painful on my knees.  About half way through I was exhausted and I stopped on the tires and just sat.  I couldn’t crawl anymore and I heard myself say, “I don’t think I can do this.”  But I didn’t want to quit.  So I resorted to laying flat on the tires and used my arms to drag myself forward and then used my feet to push.  That was the first obstacle.

I made adaptations along the way at each obstacle, making sure I kept my own safety in mind.  I wanted to not only challenge myself, but be wise in the process.  I knew there were some obstacles that I wasn’t physically strong enough to do, such as climbing a vertical wall with just a rope to help.  Nope…didn’t do that one.  But I completed many others.

Fire pit

There were times my feet got stuck and I would fall.  I would have to make a decision to stay down and stuck or make an vital to call upon God and ask for his help, strength and wisdom.  This course helped me to do just that.  One obstacle in particular had me stuck and falling…a lot!  It was the water hazard area, aka cow pond.  I found my feet getting stuck in mud up to my ankles and with each step I took, I had to use all my strength to pull my other foot out of the mud, and attempt not to lose my shoe.  But, I would find myself falling face first into the water and then once on the bank.  Now that hurt!  All I can say is that I was kinda grumpy after that one.  There are many times in our life that things can knock us down, get our feet stuck and we have to make a choice to stay defeated or rise up and keep going.

Along the way, it was a good time to pray that I not only made it through, but pray for my own journey towards becoming a healthier person all around.  Buy the time I finished the race I was completely cover in mud.  As I dragged myself out of the final mud pit and crossed the finish line I felt proud and knew I had physically challenged myself harder than I had in a long time.  But I know I couldn’t have done it without God, encouragement from friends and family, and of course the loud cheers from a few of my crazy Team Hot Pink Ladies!  

All of us have different journeys with challenges to face.  I encourage you to get an awesome support system, keep trying, and look to God for the strength needed everyday.

Last mud pit

The Lord is my light and my salvation;Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life;Of whom shall I be afraid?Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

 Psalm 27: 1, 14


Rocks and Sticks of Gum

So, recently I have been trying to come to terms with the fact that on this journey towards a healthy lifestyle, especially in the area of exercise, I am going to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Sounds simple in words, yet action proves that it doesn’t always feel the best.  But in reality, getting comfortable shows you are getting the hang of things, and most of the time means you probably can take another challenge.  This can take place in various areas of our lives.

I have come to realize that with exercise, I tend to stay inside a comfort zone of activities that I know I can do.  I love water aerobics, enjoy Zumba and the stationary bike and I have become acquainted on more than a few occasions.

This week I broke through the comfort barrier.

It was on Monday, that I walked into the gym, pulled my headphones out of my bag, grabbed my water and planned to mak a bee-line for that good ole bike.  But along this route was a room full of spinning bikes.  I struck up a conversation with a friend right outside the room, and made the comment that spinning is something that I would like to try sometime.  My friend asked me if I was going to the class, since it was starting in a few minutes.  Without thinking, I decided to at least sit on the bike that looked oh so comfortable!  I only wanted to “try” the bike, not necessarily commit to the class.  But there I was, getting the bike adjusted for my height and so forth.  I didn’t feel nervous, and I didn’t want to back out.  In all honesty, I had a surge of motivation to try something different, and was a good feeling.

Wow! It was surprising that the sweat came just during the warm up and we hadn’t really done anything!  Hahaha! On the inside I was laughing while my body was asking me WHY I was making it sit on a seat that had the comfort of a rock and was the size of a stick of gum!  Ok, so we started the class with pretty basic cycling, like I remember when I was a kid  (which is one of the last times I was on a bike for a prolonged period of time), and then the class started to get more intense.  Victorious is how I would say I felt as I was able to “run” and “hover” on the bikes.  Jumping however was not something I did, as standing and  sitting down on the seat multiple times felt horrific at this point of the class.  I kept praying, “Lord, my goal is to stay on this bike as long as I can!”  And that’s what I did.  I went for 30 minutes.  GO ME!

This moment of choosing the challenge myself, hang in there even though it was painful and difficult, and seeing the good out of it, can probably be used in parallel with learning moment in all of our lives at some point.  Sometimes you pass up the opportunities, other times you take them, and sometimes you just feel like your sitting on a rock or a stick of gum.  Either way, God uses each situation and circumstance to grow us and reveal to us His perfect strength to get us through.

What have been some “rocks” or “sticks of gum” you have encountered lately?  All I can say is keep your head held high, and your heart trusting in God, for he will see you through.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. – 3 John 1:2


A Glass Half Full of Balance

Monday go to gym…Check.

Tuesday go to gym…Check.

Wednesday go to gym…Check.

Thursday go to gym…Check.

Friday go to gym…Check.

Saturday go to gym…Check.

Sunday go to church, THEN to the gym…Check.

Realistically…is this your schedule?  Because I can tell you right now that it’s not mine.  But, my mind seems to think this is normal, that it’s the right mindset to have if you want to lose weight.  Over the last few months, I started off really strong.  Going to the gym 6 days a week while using weekends to rest.  I quickly burnt out.  It became ALL about the gym, how much time I could spend at the gym, how many calories I would burnt at the gym and so on.  Honestly, if I was asked where I was off to I could have said I was going on a date…with a guy named Gym!  After all, it was what I did and all I thought about with my spare time.  But, I have come to find that my efforts at the gym didn’t produce much results.  Has it been my diet?  Are my sleep patterns off? I believe it has been everything.  I have come to find out from my mistakes that I need to be balanced and have self control in how I exercise, what I eat and to make sure that I get enough rest.

I am still here.

I am not claiming defeat.

God is my strength and He wants great health for me.

There are two months left before the Warrior Dash.

So, here I am.  Getting back on the horse and finding a steady trot…not forcing a gallop.  Enjoying a glass half full of balance instead of a glass empty from overdoing it and quitting.


Update on Week 5

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

3 John 1:2

This past week I went to the gym for two workouts and then we all found ourselves in a wonderland of 10 inches of snow.  So, I got creative in getting exercise.  I decided to get a head start in shoveling the snow away from around my car.  Two hours later, it was all snowed in again.  Later that day I shoveled again, and by the evening it was back.  However, I am glad I got out in the fresh air and saved  myself from about an hour of shoveling 10 inches!  While I was still technically stuck inside due to bad roads, I decided to try some lower body toning exercises from SHAPE magazine.  Between the shoveling and toning exercises, I had a pretty good snow day workout!  Sometimes you just have to get creative.  

While sitting in church today, there were a few points made that caught my attention:

1.  We need to access our present commitments.

In the past month of making changes in diet, getting in more movement and better sleep, I have been finding that I am very impatient!  Honestly, I get impatient when I feel my efforts so far, should have produced more noticeable results, more pounds lost and so on.  My goodness!  I mean, I should be on the cover of SHAPE magazine about now…right!!???  Um,  NO! The truth is that I am working on more than the size of my jeans.  I am making a commitment to living a better life, and the weight loss will come in time.  🙂

2.  God’s dreams and desires for my life are much better than mine.

As I mentioned before, I am very impatient when it comes to LIFE changes.  Changes that will be for my whole life…not a week.  Well, sometimes along the way I have realized that sometimes life happens and interrupts my workout schedule.  I have also made the wonderful discovery that I don’t have to live inside the gym.  Don’t get my wrong, I absolutely love my gym, but I am free to find ways to get my body moving and in better shape in  ways such as shoveling snow!

Current gym class likes:  Aqua Zumba and PiYo

Current gym-free likes(?): Shoveling snow, SHAPE lower body toning

My dear friends, whatever your journey, take time to reassess your commitments, stay patient and keep your focus on God…he desires the BEST for you.


Update on Week 4 – One Month Down

Verse for Week 5

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22

So, I can’t say exercise was non existent all together this week, it’s just a case where it didn’t all happen inside a gym.  I found myself making it there a few times, but by midweek I knew I most likely wouldn’t be blessing a treadmill with my presence.  So how did I get my exercise?  Playing with kids!  I could go into a commercial about now…

“Are you tired of the treadmill?  Want to kick the bike to the curb?  Try the new revolutionary workout called Day Camps!  That’s right!  With this amazing workout you will have the experience of getting up at the crack of dawn, preparing awesome crafts and scavenger hunts!  You will enjoy two days of nonstop workouts when you welcome 35 kids to help you do these amazing exercises: Shoelace Tying Toe Touches, Picking Up Things Off the Floor Squats, Wiping Off Tables Arm Extensions and don’t forget the best yet…Walking Backwards Line Leader!  So sign up today for this revolutionary workout! *patience required, thinking quick on your feet  may be necessary. Free-play, lunch and potty breaks will be your only quite time (maybe), prepare to be exhausted and sore the next day.  Enjoy!

All joking aside, the kids were great, and it was fun to lead the camps.  But, yes I was really tired. After the day camps, I was to enjoy four hours at our local mall for a community kids day.  Part of my job is community outreach which I really enjoy, but after day camps I was about as done as an ice cube on hot plate!  At the outreach it was more squats, as I was such a genius and took Moon Shoes.  There were about 230 people who stopped by our station, about half being kids who all needed help lacing the shoes.  Do I need to tell you that I was sore the next say?  Hahaha.  It was a great 3 days.

Apart from being sore physically, I have realized that emotionally I have been feeling a little sore (so to speak).  I have been really second guessing myself lately in a lot of things I do.  I have had an overwhelming feeling deep in my gut that I need to do more, be better, reach a higher standard or perform so that others will think highly of me. To attempt perfection.  But I realized today that I have plagued my mind with what others think of me, how I don’t measure up to their standards, and I haven’t been free to be myself.  It really is mindless to be a rat running on a wheel not going anywhere.  It just wears you out and exhausts your soul to the deepest core. A woman at my church told me today, “When you become perfect, let me know so you can show me how!”  That statement put many things into perspective concerning my thought lately.

One example is that  today was the first group challenge for the warrior fitness competition at my gym.  The more team members you had participating, the more points the team got.  It was a two hour challenge.  Earlier that day I had started to not feel the best so I went home to take a nap.  I woke up, and started to get ready for the challenge and I just didn’t feel right.  My stomach was a little upset and my right knee, which had been sore over the past few days, was hurting.  I really wanted to go to the challenge but decided to stay home.  But it took some wrestling with myself to decide what to do!  The conversations in my head was something along the lines of, “I need to go so people don’t think I am being lazy.  But my knee does hurt.  Ok, I think I should stay home and rest it to prepare for another week.  But, I’m part of a team so I have to go….”  And on and on.  Finally, I realized that it would be smarter to take care of my own body than to risk hurting it further just to impress others.  A quote I have in my house is by Eleanor Roosevelt, “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”   All I can say in AMEN!

In my last month of becoming healthy, my focus has been about becoming consistent in exercise, make healthier food choices and get more rest at night.  This month, I didn’t lose any pounds, but I did lose inches.  I am proud of myself for the success that I have had.  To some they may seem small but in my world they were significant, because I tried and made efforts.  Tomorrow is a fresh day, to a new week, that adds to great a  month, which ultimately will form a successful year, and lead to an victorious life.

PS…we are not perfect…but our God is.  Rest in Him, embrace how He made you…which is beautiful and unique.  You were not created to be somebody else’s shadow.   And neither was I.   🙂



Update on Week 3

Verse for Week 4

“My beloved brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But, let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”   James 1:1-4

So, my first few weeks have been pretty good.  I have tied my shoes, taken new steps with a fresh stride and found a good pace for my workouts, food choices and my sleep habits.  This week however, I hit a hit a small pothole.  I found myself getting back into my old patterns of thinking that are normal after a few weeks of a new start.  I started to think that my stride wasn’t good enough, after all, my past fitness efforts really haven’t worked out how I would have liked them too.  Honestly, it comes from wanting immediate results in such a short amount of time.  This occurs when our focus starts to sway back and forth, and our eyes begin to see all the others on their own journey.  And what is next?  Oh yes, we compare ourselves to them.

We compare our treadmill inclines, jumping jacks quantity, how we look in workout pants, and even the amount of sweat on our shirts after Zumba, as if that is a true indicator of  just how much harder someone else was working than us!  Seriously?  Sadly, yes.  As women we can find ourselves constantly, constantly, did I say constantly comparing our efforts and results to that of other women.  I can honestly say that the impatience and comparing myself to others have been the biggest potholes to my life, especially with fitness.

This past week I did a 5k, on the treadmill.  My goal was to simply complete it…and I did!  I didn’t care one bit how long it took me, because this was a starting spot.  And guess what? At one point, the treadmill stopped working! HAHA!  It wasn’t funny at the time.  I bet now you are thinking that I went flying onto the floor, right?  Well, thankfully not.  The belt kept moving, and I was  just walking along my merry way, sporting earbuds and laughing out loud to the TV,  when I looked down and noticed the clock and the distance stopped moving…really!?  How far did I actually walk?  Hilarious.  Just hilarious.   Knowing what the numbers where the last time I checked, I did some minor calculations and figured I needed about a half a mile more then I was done.

I learned something that day.  My focus was starting, staying on track and finishing strong.  And I did.  I wasn’t overly concerned with my time, incline or a sweaty shirt.  This day helped me to focus again on what’s important.  I need to remember to do everything to bring glory to God.  He gave me a body and I need to take care of it.  Who really wants to let someone else’s sweaty shirt and treadmill incline steal their focus on their own victories of gaining a healthier life?  Not me! Every women has her own set of efforts, obstacles and victories..  And this journey is about mine. Life if good! 🙂

Side note:  I know there are many who are reading these updates.  I hope they are encouraging to you along the way!  Please feel free to share with me some insight, victories of your own or how this blog is encouraging you.  Have a great week!


Update on Week 2

Verse for Week 3

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.”  Psalm 34:4

I look back on this week and see small victories, but victories non the less.  Some were in wise food choices, going to bed at a decent hour, or getting exercise in when I didn’t feel like it.  One of my successful days was when I had left work and came face to face with a difficult situation that I wasn’t expecting.  That night, I wanted to pull away from the gym and go home.  I had been crying, was sad and angry at the same time, and the last thing I wanted to was walk into the gym and have to talk to anyone.  But, I knew that walking in there would help me work through the emotions and thoughts about what just had occurred, so in I went.  Immediately a friend of mine recognized that something wasn’t right and gave me a hug.  We talked for a few minutes and she encouraged me that exercising is better than going to sit at home in my frustration.  So, I got onto a treadmill and stayed there for 45 minutes.  It definitely helped me think and pray through my emotions, anger, frustrations and my own fears.  That day was just one of my successful days this past week.  That day I walked 45 minutes closer to better health, and with the Lords help…away from anger and fear.  What steps are you taking to press towards a healthier you?

I am really enjoying drinking tea these days and I am excited that I got to order some new tea from Zhena’s Gypsy Tea, an organic and fair trade tea company out of California.

TeaTeas I bought:  Coconut Rum, Wellness Collection (Calm Me plus 3 more), Chai Sampler

The tea mug/pot was a gift from my Mom years ago, and the fabric in the background was from my trip to Thailand/Cambodia 🙂

Visit website to view some delicious teas!

View website to view a video to learn more about Gypsy Tea’s purpose

 Zhena’s Gypsy Tea: Fair Trade 101


Update on Week 1

Verse for Week  3

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”  3 John 1:2

So this past week has been pretty good with exercise!  I feel like I pushed myself to do a little more than I normally do, while still staying balanced.  I incorporated a new class (Pilates/Yoga mix called PiYo) that I haven’t done before which had some challenging spots, yet a very good experience.  I will definitely take the class again!

One another note, I was really sensitive this week and feeling anxious for some reason.  A part of me feels scared that I won’t accomplish  my goals for health, but in reality I have already had success.  I have stepped out in faith, allowing God to lead the way towards making changes for a better future.  Support has been crucial!  In this process there has already been a great amount of encouragement from many people.  And I thank you! 🙂

Below I have place my workout from this week.  I hope to check in each week with new things I have learned along the way.

Workouts this week:

Monday – Cardio and Strength Training

Tuesday – PiYo (Pilates/Yoga Mix)

Wednesday – 45 min cardio/bike

Thursday – Warrior Class:  Routine below…

*20 tricep dips (1 min)

*96 crunches (2 min), 30 squats (1 min)

*35 push ups on knees (2 min)

*Wall sit (3 min)

*Plank on knees (1 min)

*14 burpees (modified) (2 min)

* 1/2 mile walk (10 min)…I was supposed to do a mile, so I started off slow to catch my breath from the burpees, but then stopped at 1/2 a mile due to being light headed. Gotta keep it safe.

The rest of the week I rested. Friday and Saturday I felt a little “off” and spent the day resting and stretching.  I believe one thing I need to remember is to drink more water and go to bed earlier!

I really like mixing the Spiru-tein Exotic Red Fruit Protein Mix with the Light Raspberry Lemonade…YUM!  I also drink Unsweetened Original Almond Milk.  Unsweetened Vanilla is pretty good too.  I also enjoy making my green smoothies with spinach, kale, banana, other fruit, flax seed meal, chia seeds,  and almond milk or water.  I just recently mixed in carrot juice.  I used 1 cup which is a serving according to the label…but that was a tad too strong for me.  So, in my next attempt I will be using less! 🙂   Also, I have been drinking less coffee and more teas.  I just ordered some various teas such as Chocolate Chai (I know…yum right!)  from Zhena’s Gypsy Tea.  Click on the tea cup below to visit their website!  If you order some, let me know which kind you bought and what you think.  Have a great week!